Friday, May 31, 2019

DFI Week 1 Session 1

For the next 8 weeks, I will be attending the Digital Fluency Intensive Course and be apart of Cohort #2. This seems scary to me because of the word Intensive" but I am sure it will be exciting! 

I am looking forward to learning about new ways to utilise Google apps to better my own teaching practise and be more efficient and confident using these platforms in my planning and everyday life. 

A few thinsg that I have taken away from this first session:
  1. When copy and pasting, it is important to press Ctrl+Shift+V and not simply use Ctrl+V.
  2. When on a doc (or in a folder) that you want to add into your own drive do not make a copy. Press Shift+Z
  3. Use the "Assign" tool when adding comments for students to create questions about a text for other students (those they have assigned) to answer. I am really excited to use this with my students. 
  4. When working with a group (ie parents, school club, or group of teachers) create a Google Group to use as a platform for sharing and discussing information.
  5. I am very diligent when organising my own Google Drive but do I offer opportunities for my students to clean up their Drives on a regular basis?
  6. We also explored a few new Chrome Extensions that I am excited to try in my classroom. Watch this space to see which I decide to use and how it goes with my students.

If you click here on the image below, it will take you to the google slide we used in session one to look into Docs more deeper. 

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