Thursday, August 1, 2019



This week I have decided to take notes on Google Slide 

Hour of Code ===========>                  Minecraft 

Writing code               

60 mins
Blogging -Challenge
Time to reflect and share with colleagues
  • How am I using this hour to share my learning from the day?
I am using different ways to post onto my blog. I have decided to do something different with my blog post where I have embedded a google slide (of my notes which I always do) and uploading images that if you like on them they should take you to a site. This is something I came across when I had to teach a student how to post their google site onto their blog, but we couldn't. We came to the conclusion that you needed to screenshot a bit of your site and then hyperlink (command + k) it to the published site. We figured that you needed to press the shortcut twice then it will give you the option to hyperlink/link.

  • How am I planning my posts?
I enjoyed using Google slides because to me I feel that it is a nice way to be organised with my note-taking. I have also uploaded some images which takes you to the site we visited today.

  • How would I assess my last post if it were written by one of my learners?
I would look for the
    • purpose of the blog post
    • The title of the blog is filled in 'Creative' and short and about the blog post)
    • Labels of the blog post are filled in (short words which are short words which summarise the blog post)
    • Check if they have embedded something onto the blog
      • google slide
      • google doc
      • images
      • Drive slides
      • Image -> linked to a google app (or to their learning)

  • How readable, accessible and informative is this post for my colleagues back at school?
This is very informative to my colleagues because it is something we haven't started at School. There is talk about the Digital Technology Curriculum yet the activities that can be implemented right now are already available so it can be used immediately. Even take a short staff or syndicate meeting where we share some of the things we have learnt on the DFI course
  • Algorithm game
One thing I have done was I linked my Professional blog to my image on my class site. That way I am being open for the wider community to view my blog and post some comments onto my blog.

1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed surfing through your relatively new blog page. The use of google slides has a great impact on your page. keep at it with your blogging journey, cant wait to see what content will be posted next.
